Join us for the AFREhealth and Mpox Research Consortium (MpoxReC) Monthly Mpox Webinar Series in partnership with FIND and FHI360
FACILITATOR/MODERATOR Jean B. Nachega, MD, PhD, MPH, FAAS, FRCP Professor of Medicine, Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa Associate Professor of Epidemiology, Infectious Diseases Microbiology, University of Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Background/Introduction Please attend our webinar where we will show off the STRIPE HIV course, fully updated and available to AFREhealth members. The goal of the STRIPE HIV course is to improve the ability of health professional graduates from AFREhealth schools to deliver high-quality, team-based, person-centered care to people with HIV through virtual training, focusing on the transition between pre-service education and entry into clinical practice. STRIPE HIV modules range from topics such as new HIV diagnosis to supporting patients with Advanced HIV Disease. Please join us to review how the course works, the topics included, and how members can start enrolling.
Title: Application of Ethics in African Rural Context
Convener: AFREhealth Southern Africa Regional Chapter Background: Whose ethics is it, anyway? What you think is respect as a researcher may be extreme disrespect to the participants. From this webinar, participants may expect: • The shortfall of blanketly applying universal ethical principles in all context • The utilization of contextually relevant ethical principles to embrace diverse African context • Application of congruent ethical approaches in a diverse African context guided by relational ethics which is grounded in ubuntu principles.
Moderators: o Dr Selina Tshimangadzo Mudau, PhD, University of KwaZulu-Natal o Dr Loveness Anila Nkhata, PhD, University of Zambia
Speaker: Professor Azwihangwisi Mavhandu-Mudsuzi, University of South Africa
Supported by NIH-Fogarty Grant No. 1R25TW011217-01 African Association for Health Professions Education and Research
In the latest issue of NIH Extramural Nexus, the directors of OER and CSR, Mike Lauer and Noni Byrnes, respectively, announced that they are holding a two-part, interactive virtual event, NIH Grants Process Primer: Application to Award.
This will take place on " target="_blank" rel="noopener">v=_IbmtIB3pxM). The target audience is researchers and administrators new to NIH.
Please share this event broadly among your members/networks.
Registration is required and expected to exceed its 5,000-attendee capacity. Once capacity is reached, there is still the option of watching the event on YouTube, but without the interactive experience.
Thank you
Title: Evidence-Based Nursing Practice and Drug Demand Reduction
Convener: University of Maryland School of Nursing (University of Maryland, Baltimore) Aim: This global health nursing practice effort aims to improve the overall health outcomes of individuals with substance use disorders in all nations, especially in Africa. Objectives: This webinar will equip participants to: 1. recognize the global risk(s) associated with the increasing prevalence of substance use disorders 2. reflect on their role as leaders to take a critical stand in DDR 3. apply basic process to influence a change in minimizing complications in substance-using populations.
Grant Application: A key to professional (academic, researcher or clinician) freedom
Background Having a grant as a professional is a must. It provides academic freedom, enhances one's professional status, and provides student/patient support. What participants may expect from this workshop: • The importance of having grants as a researcher • Tips for writing a successful grant application • Potential Funders
Implementation science in Healthcare: The way forward in Africa
An AFREhealth West Africa Region Webinar.
Moderator: Dr. Mobolanla Balogun, Associate Professor, College of Medicine, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Speaker: Nadia A. Sam-Agudu Professor of Pediatrics: Global Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases University of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, USA
Theme: The Surge of Mpox in Africa: A Call for Action
Join us for the AFREhealth and Mpox Research Consortium (MpoxReC) Monthly Mpox Webinar Series
Date: September 04, 2024 Duration:
Facilitator/Moderator: Jean B. Nachega, MD, PhD, MPH, FAAS Professor of Medicine, Stellenbosch University, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa
Speakers/Panelists: 1st Speaker: Wolfgang Preiser, MD, PhD Professor of Virology, Stellenbosch University Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Cape Town, South Africa Topic: - Mpox - A Neglected Zoonosis Turns into a Global Threat (20 min)
2nd Speaker: Nadia A. Sam-Agudu, MD, CTropMed Senior Technical Advisor, Pediatric and Adolescent HIV, Institute of Human Virology Nigeria, Abuja Professor of Pediatrics: Global Pediatrics and Infectious Diseases University of Minnesota Medical School. Topic: - Addressing the Burden of Mpox Among African Children (20 min) Panel Discussion/Q & A from the Audience - 15 mins
Supported by NIH-Fogarty Grant No. 1R25TW011217-04 African Association for Health Professions Education and Research
The AFREhealth Eastern Africa Regional Chapter invites you to participate in an interactive virtual workshop on quality Manuscript Writing. Dissemination of research findings is one of the cornerstones of a good researcher. A key avenue for many researchers to disseminate research findings is through publications. The workshop will capacitate researchers and academicians with best practices, methodologies, and technology-powered tools to produce high-quality academic and grant-based manuscripts. This is part of AFREhealth’s efforts to support and increase publication output from its members
Date: Friday 23rd August 2024
Moderator: Roy Mubuuke, PhD AFREhealth Eastern Africa Regional Chapter Lead and Senior Lecturer at the School of Medicine, Makerere University Workshop
Title: Creating Shared Health Professions Education for Africa
Join us for the AFREhealth Webinar hosted by ScholarRx
Introduction Medical education often occurs in silos with minimum collaboration among schools. This duplication of effort can be wasteful, particularly during a global pandemic. We will discuss the development of a novel shared medical curriculum exchange platform that can empower a global community of educators to democratize access to quality education even in limited-resource countries, promote interprofessional education, and help address the international shortage of healthcare workers.
We will describe our early experiences in developing a shared educational community of practice at the University of Global Health Equity in Rwanda and how this may inform future directions in scaling shared, open-access education in Africa.
The African Forum for Research and Education in Health (AFREhealth) is an interprofessional health grouping that seeks to work all stakeholders interested in health profession education , research and service delivery to improve the quality of health care in Africa through research, education and capacity building. It is a conglomerate of individuals, institutions, associations and networks from all the geographic and linguistic regions of Africa namely Anglophone, Francophone, Lusophone and Arabophone. Read More...