I'm a Professor in Public health and I graduated in medicine. I’m a former Director of Inter-university cooperation and development at the University of Lubumbashi (D.R. Congo). I assumed the function of the Head of the Clinical Epidemiology & Tropical Disease Unit. From 2013 to 2017, I was the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at our University. Before this last position, I was a Professor and Academic Secretary at our School of Public Health. I'm a member of the National Immunization Technical Advisory Group of DRC. My actual expertise lies in the management of health systems, nutrition, bio-statistical support, operational research, designing and implementing epidemiological research designs, and conducting projects. I worked with many NGOs or Institutions (CEMUBAC-Free University of Brussels, MSF, CIET/McGill University-Canada, ICAP-University of Columbia, ITM-Antwerp-Belgium) or bilateral and multilateral agencies (Belgian-CTB, USAID-HRSA, WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank, DFID-UK) in health, education and development fields.
Now, I am the coordinator of some academic and developmental projects with a multidisciplinary, multinational, or inter-university team (ARES-Belgium). I completed a post-graduate program in public health at the Free University of Brussels in Belgium.
Since the AFREhealth launch in Nairobi, I’ve been a member and served on the Executive Committee, the Governing Council, the Research Standing Committee, and the Central Regional Chapter.